How Are Banana Chips Processed And Made Commercially?

How are banana chips processed? Does this question come to mind when you enjoy banana chips in your mouth? Banana chips are fried foods made from bananas, which are very delicious and crispy after being fried at a high temperature. In addition, processed banana chips have a much longer shelf life than fresh bananas. Since banana chips are lightweight and easy to pack without fear of bruising or damage, they are a convenient snack to carry around. As the consumption market of banana chips continues to expand, many banana chip processing companies are also expanding their scale. So, how to make banana chips commercially?

How Are Banana Chips Processed And Made?

I mainly introduce the commercial production process of banana chips from the following aspects: the production process of banana chips, the equipment required for banana chips, and the working video display of banana chips.

1. Selection of raw materials. Unripe green bananas are a must because they have the right dry texture and frying effect. Ripe bananas should not be used, as the texture is too soft for good frying.

2. The production process of banana chips. Commercially produced banana chips usually have a complete processing process. The main processing flow includes: selecting raw materials → banana blanching → banana peeling → banana slices → banana chips frying → banana chips deoiling → banana chips seasoning → banana chips packaging. In addition, there is a sugar soaking process. If sugar soaking is required, the banana slices are soaked in sugar before frying.

3. Required equipment for banana chips. The machines required for commercial production of banana chips mainly include banana blanching equipment, banana cutting equipment, banana frying equipment, banana deoiling equipment, banana seasoning equipment, and banana packaging equipment. Usually, this is also an indispensable machine for the processing line of banana chips.

4. Working video display of banana chips. From the video below you will know how to make banana chips commercially. The video shows the production process of banana chips from raw materials to finished products, which is clear and clear.

Prospects for Banana Chips Business

After learning How are banana chips processed, will you want to start a business related to this? To be honest, with banana chips becoming more and more popular, you can find them in almost any supermarket. In addition, banana chips are crisp products with a special aroma and taste. Compared with bananas, they solve the shortcomings of easy corruption and difficult transportation.

Our company is a supplier of professional banana processing machines and can provide banana chip processing solutions according to your needs. If you want to get a free quotation, you can contact us.

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